Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Important prawn species of India and South East Asia

The below are the important prawn species of India and South East Asia

This species can be seen more in east and west part of our country.  This species can be seen more in West Bengal seashore part and then Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Orissa.  This belongs to omnivorous and it had the food like plants, animal composed things, small ankles and Polychaetes which is in mud and insect worms.  The maximum growth is 230mm. it can be ready to harvest in 90 to 100 days and the marketing is based on 80 to 100mm . This species does not get matured in grown up place, their breeding will happen at deepwater and the young juveniles can be saved in estuaries.

STRIKE PRAWN (P.Manorodon)
In our country prawn this will be stupendously grown more and it can be seen in east and west part.  This will be seen more in West Bengal Bheries, In Orissa Chilka lake and in seashore of Andhra Pradesh.  This belongs to omnivorous and it likes to have the foods like small ankles, insect worms and small Molluscs.  The maximum growth will be 320mm and their growth ability will be in month of from 17.55mm to 55.20mm.  It will be harvest after 3 months from the lengthy stock of juveniles and it will get ready in pond and their growth will be from 130 to 140mm.  In one year it will grown from 180mm to 250mm and it won’t get matured in grown up pond, this breeding will happen at sea water and brackish river water mouth.  The juveniles can be grown from 10 to 20mm and it get the food and grown well in brackish river water.  These prawns breeding will be done in artificial method.

This prawn species can be partly seen in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh sea shore and it can be seen in West Bengal Bheries.  Commonly, it’s a carnivore and it mostly had the foods like ankles, small fishes, worm insects and composed plant things.  The maximum growth is 250mm and the reason for not grown widely is that it cannot widely found the predatory habit.  This species get matured and breeding in sea and the young juveniles will spread into the way of brackish river water mouth.

Meta Phinius Topsoni
This prawn species will be seen more in west part of sea shore, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu this species belongs to omnivorous and it’s like to have Foraminiferan, Amphipods, Cladocerans, floating phytoplanktons, molluscs and Wiatoms.  The maximum growth of this species is 125mm.  This growth will be seen in Kerala part Pokkalai field and its get growth in 5months will be 61 to 63 length mm.  This gets matured and breeding is taken place in sea, the juveniles from the length 4-5mm will move from sea to estuaries.

This prawn will be seen more in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and a sea shore of West Bengal.  This prawn belongs to Omnivorous and it will have the foods like different kinds of plants and composed animal things.  The maximum growth is 180mm and it will get the growth in brackish river pond in 6 months from 100 to 130mm length.  The male prawns will get matured in growing ponds and some female prawns also have the ability to get matured in growing ponds.  Though, breeding taken place only in seawater and we can save the juveniles in estuaries.

This prawn species is widely spread over in Gujarat, Karnataka, and Kerala sea shore.  This species belongs to omnivorous and it mostly likes to have plant species foods.  The maximum growth should be 180mm their growth ability in brackish water spread will be 8.5mm.  This gets matured and breeding will be done in sea water.

This species can be seen some parts in West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and in sea shore part of Orissa will be seen more and too in estuaries of West Bengal. It belongs to omnivorous and likes to have plants and composed food products.  The maximum growth of this species is125mm and in grown ponds of 6months it will grow from 80 to 100mm length.  This breeding seems to be odd and the male prawn gets matured in brackish river water and the female prawn which does not get matured the male prawn injects the breeding cells to female prawns.  In sometime we can see the matured female prawns in ponds and the breeding can be taken place in sea.

This type of species will be seen in brackish river water from the range decrease of 8 to increase of 30. Particularly, it will be seen more in river Hubli.  This belongs to carnivorous and it likes to have the foods like small ankles, Molluscs, plants and small fishes.  When it come out from the egg and become juveniles and in a month the growth will be 12 to15mm after that the growth speed will be decreased and too it decrease the growth of male and female prawn. At the end of first year the growth will be seen from 45 to 59mm and 50 to 65mm.  The female prawn growth will be speeder than male prawn and it lives 3 years and the maximum growth is 152mm and its get matured at 2nd year (75mm).  This breeding will happen at sea shore of west and in river of Hubli from December-January and April-May.  This juveniles can be saved from brackish river water mouth from 40miles distance in this prawn the protozoa of salt water ability will seen 30 to 32ppt and the young juveniles can be seen more in brackish water nearly 5ppt.

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