Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Things to note down before prawn culture

 Before volunteering the growth of prawn we have to explorative prawn growth; which is suitable; we must clear about that which will give the best result.  We choose to grow one or two prawn will be suffer during the harvest season.  The benefit of getting growth of prawn should be in the quality of growth, it is important to choose the quality of prawn species for their growth.  The selected prawn species should get more characteristics that should be given below

1. To see the prawn it should be beautiful, liked by the people and in shop to get it will be in suitable price.
2. It should be graded with a quality of flesh, a good smell and it should contain vitamins and proteins.
3. Suitable growth of juveniles should get in nearby and its need of natural size water spreads.
4. For breeding it needs “matured” prawns and that should be saved and get easily.
5. Breeding method can be urged easily like eye stem disconnect method.
6. Like water spread, chemical, physical and biological are the reasons that can be changed to different season and it should have to the power to stand for it.
7. Particularly, the dry of suitable water; mingle with fresh water; evaporation of water; the changes that should be held in brackish water are the causes and it should have more power to stand over it.
8. It should have the ability to eat more, it must have the power to change the feeding food into tissues and it has the power to grow faster.
9. It must have the ability to have the food like Phyto planktons in natural water spreads, planktons then worms, the composed things and then the different kinds of synthesizing foods.
10. Well it should not affected by any disease it must contain more immunity power.
11. Totally it should have the ability of more survival rate.
12. It should not be like fishes which will harvest once in a year it should be harvest about2-3, like grains it should be get in a minimum number of periods.
13. In low production expense, it should get the same amount of profit.
14. The ability of laying eggs should be more.
15. It should be grown in different methods and spreads.
16. The preserved food for removing the waste and that should be used for the flesh.

Like this, the food for growth species should stand the power, the changing power ability, breeding ability like different ability should lined and give a marks to this.  This mark should be high for total bio economic matrix and that should be selected for the growth.

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